1. All players and umpires must be members of England Netball. Each team is responsible for payment of the membership Fee.

Details for each player, including their membership number must be registered with the League prior to playing their first match.

Non-compliance will render the player ineligible to play.

A printed EN roster of players membership must be submitted with the Team sheet before the first game is played. A club with more than one team only needs to submit one copy for their club.

  1. Fees Payable

League Entry Fee £30.00 (payable by all teams)

[To include up to 12 registered players]

Additional Registrations £1.00 per player

Holding Fee*: £25.00 (payable by all Clubs)

[*Returnable upon satisfactory completion of membership to the League]

Each team shall pay Match Fees, which will be decided annually by the League Committee and advised for the coming season to members at the AGM.

  1. a) The League Entry Fee should be paid by all teams upon making application to enter a forthcoming season. Entry to the League will only be accepted if the entry form is accompanied by the due fees.

b) The Registration Form for each team must be submitted before the first match is played and must include FULL NAME and Current EN number of at least seven players.

4. All monies to be paid to the Hon. Treasurer via  Cash or Bank Transfer (BACS). Bank details available from the Treasurer. ( NO CHEQUES)

5. Clubs / Teams must be represented at League Meetings.  A fine of £10.00   will be imposed  for  non-attendance

6. a) A player can only play for one Midweek team/club and Saturday team/club.

. b) Additional registrations will be allowed at the end of the season at the discretion of the Committee.  All new registrations must be registered BEFORE the beginning of a match and must include the player’s FULL NAME and proof of EN membership.

c) A player who plays more than  one quarter of a Senior Regional League game is not eligible to play in a Walsall League game on the same day.  Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action and the offending team will forfeit the match.

The playing of an ineligible player will result in disciplinary action and the offending team will forfeit the match.

7. Transfer of Players

a) TEMPORARY TRANSFERS: A lower team player may temporarily transfer up within a club to any higher team twice and still be eligible to play for the lower team. On the third occasion she transfers, she will become a higher team player in the team that she plays for on that third occasion.

This then becomes a PERMANENT TRANSFER. [See Rule 7 c)]

b) No higher team player can be transferred to a lower team, unless prior written approval from the League Committee has been obtained.


(i) See ee Rule 7 (a)

(ii) Any player who moves from one club to another during the season is considered a Permanent Transfer (PT).

No player is allowed more than one (1) Permanent Transfer (PT) in a season

● All such transfers will be confirmed by the Match & Registration Secretary

● Permanent transfers from club to club will not be allowed at the end of a season where a club has two or less matches to play

●  All permanent transfers will be confirmed by the Match & Registration Secretary.

8. a) All fixtures to be played on the date arranged, subject to postponement through inclement weather conditions or as directed by the Committee.

b) Matches cannot be conceded.  Teams should not contact their opposition to cancel matches. The Committee will make all communications.

When a club joins the League it assumes a responsibility to provide teams for all its scheduled matches in order to ensure that all members enjoy their netball.

If a team fails to turn up on the day, they will be liable for their own match costs as well as those of their opponents.  In addition they will pay a further £30 which will be passed onto the non-offending team as recompense for their travelling costs.  Match points will be awarded to the non-offending team.

c) MIDWEEK SECTION and SATURDAY SECTION: All matches shall be played at a central venue or in exceptional circumstances at a venue approved by the Fixtures Secretary.  Any team not on court and ready to play at the stated time shall forfeit the points and incur costs of the match.

9. a) All games to be played to International Federation of Netball Associations (IFNA)  Rules.

. b) Central Timing will be used whenever possible.

c) INJURY TIME (in accordance with IFNA Rules) WILL BE ALLOWED in all Section matches.  When this occurs, umpires should (in liaison with central timekeeper, if possible) take control of timing for the rest of the match.


a) It is the responsibility of ALL teams to nominate an England Netball qualified Umpire for the day they are playing.  These should be notified to the relevant Umpiring Secretary; Saturday League by 11:59pm Thursday.  Midweek League by 11:59pm  Saturday.

Failure to comply will result in a £30.00 fine

Should the Umpire become unavailable to officiate at their nominated time, it is the TEAM’S RESPONSIBILITY to ensure a replacement is obtained.  It is therefore essential that the nominated Umpire is aware of how you can be contacted in an emergency.

Failure to comply will result in a £30.00 fine

The qualification of an Umpire is only valid if they are current members of England Netball.

Umpires will officiate as directed by the Umpiring Secretary.

b) Umpires will be offered expenses at a rate decided by the League Committee.

11 All League match cards shall be provided and shall be filled in BEFORE the match commences by the team’s designated representative.

12. a) Each season the League may offer to hold a Midweek Handicap Knockout Competition at the central venue during the season.

b) The Handicap Knockout Competition is covered by the Midweek Section League Entry Fee.

c) In the Competition, a player having played for a team is then cup-tied to that team for the remainder of the competition.  A player must play in at least 3 matches for that club/team to qualify to play in the semi-finals and final of the competition.

13. The following individual trophies shall be awarded each year:

  • Player of the Year: Saturday Section / Midweek Section
  • Umpire of the Year: Saturday Section / Midweek Section
  • Novice Umpire of the Year: Saturday / Midweek Section 
  • The Brenda Bell Memorial Trophy (“Unsung Hero” nominated by League members)
  • The Jean Edmonds Special Award: (Overall)

The method of selection shall be decided by the Committee.

All trophies must be returned in good condition to Vince Morris or a Committee Member by the end of February.  Any necessary repairs are to be paid for by the team concerned.

  1. A basic first aid kit will be kept by the League, but teams are responsible for their own first aid needs.
    . All fines must be paid to the Treasurer within 14 days of notification. Failure to do so will result in the amount being doubled, unless an appeal has been lodged.  (Not applicable to Rule 6). 
  2. Pregnant players may not take part in this League beyond the 12th week of pregnancy.
  1. The Committee shall decide on all matters not covered by League Rules.

Effective from: July 13th 2023